It all happened one Monday - typical assembly day. I mean, yeah, everyone hates Monday - including me because who wants to loll around listening to people talking about this & that?
So there I was, walking down the old hill to the school gates, early-late as usual (early-late’s my term of being late but considered early in my book. Hence, early-late).
Other seniors past me by, rushing to make it before 7:45 in the morning, which I don’t get. I mean, why bother rushing when you just know you’re not gonna make it?
The bag on my shoulders were swinging, right, left, right, left.
It was something like strolling - only not at a park but the school’s hill, approaching the school gate.
“Excuse me?” a prefect said, stopping me.
“Yea?” I said, feigning innocence.
“Where’s your IDC?” she asked.
IDC was our school Identity Card. So that, instead of asking what’s your name & all that, you can just take a look at the ol’ card & nod & say what a nice name you have.
That’s what Mrs Jones kept saying anyway.
In other words, it’s just to make us an easier target for giving us fines by the prefects.
“Oh. Well, I didn’t bring it.” I said calmly.
“Well, I’m afraid I’d have to give you a fine. What’s your name, please?” the prefect asked.
I gave her the details - name & class.
While I was telling her all that, I was fancying this whole James Bond scenario. You know, where James Bond goes all macho, facing the villain, saying his trademark line : “The name’s Bond. James Bond.” & the villain’d say, “Well, I’m afraid I’d have to kill you.”
It kinda makes the scene more exciting instead of facing some boring senior, giving you fines. I mean, really.
Typical day, the thought kept echoing in my head while I just hummed a happy tune.
“Hurry up, please.” one or two prefects said to me as I past by them, dropping my bag on the floor, near the classroom door & rushing up the staircase while putting on the blue-striped blazer, adjusting my tie, displaying my IDC.
“Hurry up, please.” another prefect said as I went into the hallway.
I tried my best not to roll my eyes. Who knew? Maybe there’s this rule against rolling your eyes at higher authority figures.
I went into the hall & tried my best not to smile at the familiar surroundings - the rowdy students, all restless waiting for the Chairman of our school to arrive. The prefects giving fines to said restless students. & us, the latecomers - most notorious of all was me. If there was this secret gathering place for prefects, I’d have been blacklisted, a black & white picture of me hung in the “Late-comers” hall of fame.
Still smiling, I lined up behind a few boys, taller than me. Meaning, they’re older than me. Because as far as I’m concerned, there was no boy taller than me & happened to be my age.
Except for Garrett, of course. But hey, he’s always tall & he’s already with what’s-her-name.
The prefects ushered us to these seats, which I’ve labelled Middies because, it’s smack right in the middle - perfect for private whispers & snickers. The prefects would be too caught up with the other students making noise at the side.
Yes, us students have a strategy. It was really rare at that time that I actually got to sit in the Middies. It’s like every students’ dream to sit there & I was taking my seat at the dream spot with people I didn’t know then.
I was feeling a little uncomfortable. I mean, c’mon. Like you wouldn’t get uncomfortable when sitting in between of two older guys, who, might I add, were complete strangers to me?
One was busy occupying himself with his other friend on his left. The other on my right was looking equally uncomfortable, fidgeting with the black buttons on his blazer.
“Students, please rise.” a prefect’s voice bounced off the walls. The students rose like zombies, probably still half-asleep.
“We will now sing the national anthem & the school song.” The familiar tune of a piano chimed & we all began to sing our country’s anthem.
Whenever I sang aloud, I couldn’t help but wonder why people kept looking at me (& I couldn’t help but feel please when I answer myself in my head).
Everyone kept turning around to look at me - including the guy on my right, to my immense pleasure.
After singing aloud, we stood up as the Chairwoman walked in the Hall, her stilletto heels click-clacking against the wooden floor.
She greeted us & we greeted her back, with the same sing-song voice we always put on to impress teachers.
It’s a tradition.
When we sat down, she began her weekly morning chirping - example : “So how are you students today? Have you had your breakfast? No? Do you know, dear students, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?”
I said the last sentence at exactly the same time the chairwoman did. I got plenty of approving looks, majority of them reading, “Not bad, kid”. I had shrug my shoulders coolly at them. The only look I got different was from guy on my right - disapproving. I looked at him & he pretended that there was something rather intresting of his nails.
Nice try, bud.
From there, she strayed from the small talk & began talking about that day’s topic: Sportsmanship.
My school? Yea, very big on this whole sportsmanship deal. Of course, it also majors our education & our soul.
Meaning, the students of the Darren Academy were no headbangers or on crack.
We all groaned - inwardly & outwardly - & she just ignored it & continued her speech.
“As students of this academy, we are known for our sportsmanship.” she said, filled with gusto.
“We must never jeer or boo when there comes a time your house may lose a game. We are sportsman, dear students! Let me tell you a story with a moral to end with.”
We were all waiting for some really elaborate story of some kid losing to his best friend & they fought & little happy bunnies jump out & save the day!
Whatever. Along the lines there.
What we didn’t expect was the story she was about to tell us…
“Do you know, dear students, the story of The Rabbit & the Tortoise?” she asked us.
That time, we made a noise twice the volume of our original sound.
She began her stories, impersonating high-pitched voices to deep, low ones. I mean, okay, that’d be enough for the lady’s dignity.
But why, oh why, did she have to do actions with her story? I mean, she even tried to jog on the spot with a suit!
A suit!
That was the woman who found our school - & there she was, jogging on the spot on the stage in her suit!
I don’t know her.
Then, the guy on my right started muttering furiously under his breath, “It’s the Tortoise & the Hare! The Tortoise & the Hare!”
At first, I thought he was suffering some sort of obsessive disease or something. Not alot of normal people get worked up over &-the-moral-of-the-story-is... stories.
People my age, I mean.
I looked at him & burst out in giggles. Really, giggles.
That caught his attention & he looked at me with the expression I think I gave him. The what’s-up-with-her? look.
You’d probably do the same, you’re wondering why I went into fits of giggles, right? I mean, if you saw him, you wouldn’t expect furious muttering from that kind.
He’s the kind who looked like he had never forgotten his homework, books, uniform. His blonde hair was crisp - neat-crisp. No mohawk, no mullet. Just crisp, wavy hair.
& his uniform? No wrinkles. None.
It looked like he didn’t move a muscle in that - no wrinkles! Not even those lines you have when you sit on it.
He had a Rolex - a Rolex, I swear. Not a Swatch - on his left hand, meaning he’s a right-handed guy.
He looked like a Model Student - something which showed that you could be a winner & a loser at the same time.
But since when were Model Students so… Attractive?
The guy’s teeth were straight & white - which explains the absence of braces. He had clear skin, but just a few freckles sprinkled over his nose.
The eyes were the most interesting - sharp. Razor sharp with that tinge of green in the blue, blue eyes.
“What’s so funny?” he whispered, his voice low & rough.
“N-nothing. It’s just…” I trailed off with a new batch of giggles.
“It’s true!” he protested in that soft voice.
I laughed again & he laughed with me. We didn’t even get into trouble because the prefects & the other students were too busy laughing at the sight of the Chairwoman hopping around the stage.
“& so, the rabbit-”
“Hare! Hare!” the guy next to me said again.
“- vowed never to take things for granted.” the Chairwoman ended & the students went wild with unneccessary claps & whistles.
“So, children. What is the moral of the story?” she asked.
The guy next to me instantly raised his hand before the others.
“You, boy. Next to that girl.” the Chairwoman said, pointing at our direction.
Immediately, I could feel everyone staring and grinning at me.
I have mentinoed that I’m one of those notorious students - so everyone was grinning at me because was sitting next to this incredibly good-looking guy.
& he didn’t happen to be my ex.
“Yes, well. No, I’m not answering your question, ma’am. I just wanted to point out that the title of the story is the Tortoise & the Hare. Not the Rabbit & the Tortoise>.”
Pin-drop silence filled the atmosphere of the hall when he sat down. Suddenly, some joker began to clap & the audience clapped too.
To my greater surprise, the Chairwoman clapped too, laughing.
“My dear boy, I see that I am wrong.” she said with a smile.
He beamed back at her.
When we were dismissed, I whispered to his back, “How’d you do that?”
“Do what?” he whispered, his back still facing me as we got up.
“How’d you get the guts to do something a big of a joke like that & not get caught? Suspended?”
“Because I didn’t ask a stupid question. & I think that it’s better if she knew the truth then to live a lie.”
That was the last thing I heard from him when we went our seperate ways - him down the stairs, me walking ahead.
“So… Iz? What was with you & the guy?” he said casually as I took my tray & searched for an empty table.
“Me & who?” I asked distractedly as I found a nice, clean table.
“The blondie! Blonde boy & that correction of his!” Mark said exasperatedly, swinging his arms up & down, making a point.
“Oh, right.” I said & walked faster towards my table, hoping no one would get there first.
“Nothing.” I said as I munched on a biscuit.
“Right. Nothing.” he said with a grin.
You know, I don’t see why it was his business. Did we not break up last summer? Didn’t we?
I pointed it out - the whole him-being-my-ex but he kept grinning & pretended not to hear me.
“But you look pretty chummy with the guy. I mean, the way you two keep looking at each other. I used to look at you like that, you know.” he said.
Seriously. Why was I having this conversation with him? Him of all people? My ex.
Again, I voiced out my thoughts & yet again, he ignored me.
“What look?” I asked exasperatedly, wishing that he’d just go away. “What look? Are you saying we kept glancing each other of The Look? Hello, Mark! We just met at assembly - & you know, I don’t even know his name!”
“So? Love’s weird, you know.”
“Love?! I just broke up with you & here we are at the caf, you thinking I’m falling in love for some guy who pointed out to our Chairwoman that she was wrong about The Tortoise & the Hare?” I said & got up, put my tray away & left him there.
I didn’t see him much the following Monday.
Same goes for the Monday after that.
Not like I was searching for him or anything… Much.
& not just on Mondays (whoops!), but also on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays.
Come to think of it, I have never seen him outside of that hall ever since then.
The next Monday, I gave up on my frantic search of the blonde guy. I decided that it was a waste of time, all that primping hair stuff & applying lip balm - yes, lip balm as the Dar’n Academy (that’s what the students call it) does not allow cosmetics.
& yes, we get fined if we ever dare to put on eyeshadow or even a hint of lipgloss.
Honestly, I wasn’t even paying attention to my surroundings - I wasn’t trying to search for a blonde, tall guy in the crowd anymore because it’s just not worth it.
Again, it’s not like I fell for him or anything. Please! I only talked to him once. & that was about The Tortoise & the Hare. Mui romantic.
Um, not.
“Over here, please.” a tall prefect - May, I think. She helped me with my RPP (Rubbish Picking Patrol) once - said, pointing to the Middies.
I perked up then because I’ve decided that Monday that the Middies were the first sign of good luck.
Superstitious & stupid though it may sound, it was proven to be true.
I sat down & felt a little snug between two guys. Finally, we stood up to sing the national anthem & the school’s song.
For a weird reason, I could sense something… I dunno, familiar near me. I didn’t realise what it was until after the singing.
Guess who?
“Hey.” he whispered to me with a grin.
“Hey.” I said back & wished that i had tied my hair nicely like the previous Monday.
“Long time no see.”
“I know.” Dammit! Why did I say that? I’m supposed to be the cool, collected one. Not him.
I mean, yea. Him too but… Forget it.
He grinned even wider, showing off his straight, white teeth like they do in those Colgate ads.
The familiar sounds of a woman’s high heels hitting against the wooden floors echoed the hall. We all turned around to glimpse our chairwoman, striding with confidence & elegance.
“Good morning, dear students. Today we have a little show to show to you.” she said into the mike.
Right after her words left her mouth, two things happened.
The silence of the hall evolved into buzzings of whispers & excited giggles of the students - yes, it is a true treat to watch something with the video projector during assemblies.
Another, the guy next to me, Blonde, groaned & sank his face into his hands.
‘What’s the deal?’ I thought & shrugged it off as the lights were dimmed like in the theatres.
The hall was in pin-drop silence - you could practically hear the humming of the video projector!
The screen went blank momentarily & at the time, Blonde gave a sigh of relief, for a reason I didn’t know of.
Something flickered on the screen & a video appeared. Starring… Blonde himself!
Talk about dead embarrassing.
But if it wasn’t for the fact that he was holding a guitar - a pretty fine guitar, may I add - & started strumming chords while singing along, I’d have started laughing.
Instead, I was just gaping & thinking how nice his voice sounded.
Why did they had to show that goddamn embarrassing show? If I’d known that they would show it during assembly - especially when I know that she is sitting right next to me again, I’d have never go on that talk show for Africa. Really.
But she looked stunned. I couldn’t blame her. She was sitting next to the guy on that interview show who was promoting the news that he went to Africa to perform for the orphans.
If I do say so myself.
If only I knew who she was…
Why did he look so good? Even better than Mark. & it took me a longtime to get over I’m.
& that’s saying something!
Seriously. He looked different in a good way. Why did I keep looking at him? Why couldn’t I just ignore the guy who was extremely cute in the whole blonde-clean look & singing in that show?
God. If only I knew who he was…
The moment we were dismissed, I whispered, “Hey, what’s your name?”
She looked at me, kind of startled to me talking to me.
“Iz.” she said with a smile. “You?”
“Me? Isaac.” I smiled back. “Never seen you around.”
Bold. I never knew I could be bold.
“Right back atcha. I’m in Year 8. You?”
I can’t believe it. She’s a year younger than me - but she looked so mature! She didn’t even care that nearly half of her hair was coming out from her messy ponytail & her fingernails were clear - no pink polish or anything.
The only hint of feminism were earstuds & her glossy red lips, glowing healthily, I couldn’t help noticing.
“Nine. Eight… You seem mature.” I voiced out my thoughts.
She grinned. We were already outside of the hall & standing amidst the bustling crowd of rowdy students.
“Excuse me, please go to your classrooms.” a prefect said behind me.
‘Shut up.’ I thought in my head & quickly felt the guilt rising up in my throat. That was the first time I ever thought back to a prefect.
I nodded instead & looked at my watch.
“Damn. Lee’s class is on now.” I said under my breath.
Her face blushed but she was still smiling.
“Yea, now’s Games for us. Catch you later?” she said & I gave her a nod. She smiled & turned towards the staircase, blending in with the crowd.
I went the other way.
I didn’t see him at the canteen again. It’s really annoying. I sat alone at a table, doodling in my notebook - not a diary-type of person - while munching on some snacks I bought.
Mark plopped down next to me, with a girl who looked familiar.
It wasn’t a very nice tradition I was looking forward to, I thought.
I looked at the familiar-looking girl closely & realised who she was - the girl who always hung out during Mark’s football practise
She was his stalker, his groupie. Something to feed my ex’s ego.
Harsh as it sounded, it was true.
“Hmm… I guess you found out who the blondie is?” Mark asked with a grin.
“Huh? What?” I said, getting my head out of the clouds.
“I said… I guess you found out the blondie’s name? Mrs Isaac?” he said, trying not to laugh.
I looked down at my doodle & felt my face heat up. I wasn’t the type who’d scribble the married names of their crushes!
I mean, talk about childish.
& there I was, a paper in my hand scribbled with the words, Mrs Isaac or Mrs Iz Isaac & a few hearts sprinkled on it.
God. What was happening to me?
Mark left after he finished his lunch - he was a fast-eater - & the girl leaned closer to me & whispered something to me.
“Congrats for finding your One.”
We shared a smile - I didn’t know why I was smiling but my lips automatically lifted up hearing her congradulations - & she went over to Mark. She looked my way & winked.
Maybe Groupie Girl’s found her One, too.
I was running late for class. Why, oh why did that prefect have to fine me just because I was running at the corridors?
Everyone does it! I mean, have they not seen the footballers practising in the hallways?
It was so unfair that I always get caught & the crime was still on! I swore under my breath when I was out of said prefect’s reach & started running all over again.
Just as I turned a corner - very tricky, you kinda have to lean on your right to not slip - I ran into someone.
Books & papers flew everywhere. If it were one of those cartoons, little stars & cuckoo birds would’ve been shown in the blank air too.
My heart was beating fast - out of adrenaline, regret & panic - & inwardly, I was praying that it wasn’t another prefect ready to fine me again when their companion has already struck.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry…” I said over & over again as I helped the victim pick up his/her books. As I gave it to the victim, I looked up & saw Isaac.
His eyes were so sharp, so blue, so hypnotic, I just kept staring back into the depths of it. I blanked out.
“Iz? Iz? Are you alright?” I heard him say, his voice low & deep.
“Yea.” I nodded. He smiled & looked down.
His hands were full with my books & mine with his.
We laughed quietly & passed the books to one another, careful not to drop it again.
“Are you late for something?” he asked me.
“Yea. I always am.” I said, giving a sheepish smile.
We shared a smile for a minute or two until a girl’s voice from behind purred, “Zack, we’re late for it.”
I looked over his shoulder & dropped my books. The sight of possibly Ms Darren Academy caught me off guard. It was rare to see someone looking so gorgeous in a school uniform - especially if it was a blue skirt & white blouse.
She had a matching watch on her slim wrist & her hair was crop-cut short, bobbing up & down as she purred again.
“Come on, Zack. We can’t be late.”
‘Zack? Zack? He’s Isaac, not Zack, you little…’ I fumed in my head.
I felt something warm over my hand & looked down. Isaac’s hand was ontop of mine - on purpose or by accident, I didn’t know.
Didn’t care.
I snatched my hand away from his grasp, picked up my books & stood up. “I’m late.” I said & walked off, trying to look calm & collected as I’d always hoped to be, hoping that the tears wouldn’t burst out like a leaking dam.
“You just had to do that, Jenny!” I half-yelled, flailing my arms around like a blind bat.
“We were late, Zack.” she said, leaning against the board coolly.
The classroom was empty, deserted. The meeting had been over & we were the only ones there, cleaning up the mess the members of the Environment club made.
“Yea, but you didn’t have to be like that! I can’t believe you’d stoop so low, Jenny!” I yelled again & slammed my fist against the closest table.
The thud! echoed in the emptiness of the room.
Finally. Jenny had finally shut up.
I looked up & saw her on the verge of tears. I didn’t care. She deserved it - why did she have to be so… So annoying? Why?
Didn’t I tell her we were over? So why was she still clinging on?
I stormed out & just because I still had the leftover anger, I slammed the door, hoping the sound would echo just like it did my fist.
I didn’t see her. I couldn’t find her. Except for that day in the canteen. I bumped into her when it was a busy day there, the crowd hustling over each other to get their meal first without spilling it.
I bumped into her & she muttered, “Sorry.” & went off.
Of course I wasn’t an idiot not to follow her. I followed her. But she walked in twists & turns, that finally, I couldn’t see her anymore.
I was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why did I keep doing that to myself? Why do I keep falling for inappropriate guys? Why can’t, just one in my life, I find a sweet guy who does not think about himself & where his jockey-shirt is?
& if I did find him, why couldn’t he be single - just vacant for me?
Why? Is it some sort of curse? Maybe it runs in the family. I mean, my mom’s a single mom & she’s already on her 18th boyfriend since the divorce - which was only 2 months ago.
Is it because I’m some sort of guy-repellant? Is that it? I reek of some unearthly smell to repel guys instead of attracting them?
Guys are stupid.
I avoided him for nearly 3 weeks - everywhere I lay eyes on him, I avoid his gaze & act as if he was a stranger to me.
It was as if he was everywhere, now. Right after when I didn’t want to see him, I see him.
It hurts to me. It hurts to ignore that guy I sat next to - who showed his passionate love for The Tortoise & the Hare. It hurts to ignore that guy I saw strumming the guitar & singing about trees.
It just hurts.
I was running late for an assembly - surprise, surprise.
At the time, I didn't quite care or worry whether I'd bump into him or not because I was way behind schedule - I had three minutes to spare to adjust everything - from my tie, to my hair, to the knot on my shoelaces.
"Hurry up, please." a prefect said in a hushed voice. I brushed past him, hoping that there'd be some sort of bruise on his foot when I stomped by accident.
I was desperately searching for a seat - I finally found one, but it was all the way to my right. So, I had to settle for manhandling my own chair & sitting next to some guy who probably stayed up playing Halo or whatever, since he couldn't open his eyes properly.
After the same ol' stuff - "Good morning, students! Have you eaten your breakfast today?" - she got down to business.
Pictures of luscious green trees glowed onto the wall from the projector. We all looked at it - wondering what in hell was happening? Was the projector on the fritz? - & the theme abruptly changed.
From healthy-looking, exotic trees blooming everywhere to pictures of dry land, soil erosion, tree stumps sprinkled everywhere.
It was depressing, knowing that mankind did that to the planet. The Chairwoman was only too glad to point that out.
Suddenly, I spotted a familiar-looking figure - it was Isaac!
Uh... I mean, it was Isaac.
Only he didn't have that goofy smile on his role-model face. Instead, he had a grim look of death plastered on it.
His shoulders were broad, I noticed, but they slumped when he viewed the slideshow.
He was holding a too-familiar-looking guitar in his hands. Soon, the Chairwoman said, "Give a big hand to... Isaac Moh!"
The students in my row cheered like mad, some even began chanting, "Zaaack, Zaaaaack!"
Which, yea, was dead embarrassing. They were older than me, remember that.
He sat on a chair which was put in the middle of the stage & the hall lights dimmed, the spotlight shining on him.
It brought out the blonde highlights of his hair, I couldn't help but think.
"It's not fair,
Life's not fair.
We shouldn't be this cruel.
If only you knew...
What you saw,
was no illusion.
What you think,
was just fiction.
Why can't you see,
something's wrong.
Why aren't we doing
Anything to save it?" he sang, gloomy chords echoing.
Tears were threatening to spill - I could feel it.
It was as if he was talking about... Us.
& the trees. Don't forget the trees.
But still. He was looking at me when he sang & we gazed at each other because his grip on me was iron-strong.
I looked down all of a sudden & developed a sudden interest to my nails.
"Thank you." his soft yet deep voice rumbled.
The girls (audibly) sighed & the guys (audibly) yawned.
I was probably the only student quiet, not knowing whether to sigh, yawn or - my option - cry.
At the time, I didn't quite care or worry whether I'd bump into him or not because I was way behind schedule - I had three minutes to spare to adjust everything - from my tie, to my hair, to the knot on my shoelaces.
"Hurry up, please." a prefect said in a hushed voice. I brushed past him, hoping that there'd be some sort of bruise on his foot when I stomped by accident.
I was desperately searching for a seat - I finally found one, but it was all the way to my right. So, I had to settle for manhandling my own chair & sitting next to some guy who probably stayed up playing Halo or whatever, since he couldn't open his eyes properly.
After the same ol' stuff - "Good morning, students! Have you eaten your breakfast today?" - she got down to business.
Pictures of luscious green trees glowed onto the wall from the projector. We all looked at it - wondering what in hell was happening? Was the projector on the fritz? - & the theme abruptly changed.
From healthy-looking, exotic trees blooming everywhere to pictures of dry land, soil erosion, tree stumps sprinkled everywhere.
It was depressing, knowing that mankind did that to the planet. The Chairwoman was only too glad to point that out.
Suddenly, I spotted a familiar-looking figure - it was Isaac!
Uh... I mean, it was Isaac.
Only he didn't have that goofy smile on his role-model face. Instead, he had a grim look of death plastered on it.
His shoulders were broad, I noticed, but they slumped when he viewed the slideshow.
He was holding a too-familiar-looking guitar in his hands. Soon, the Chairwoman said, "Give a big hand to... Isaac Moh!"
The students in my row cheered like mad, some even began chanting, "Zaaack, Zaaaaack!"
Which, yea, was dead embarrassing. They were older than me, remember that.
He sat on a chair which was put in the middle of the stage & the hall lights dimmed, the spotlight shining on him.
It brought out the blonde highlights of his hair, I couldn't help but think.
"It's not fair,
Life's not fair.
We shouldn't be this cruel.
If only you knew...
What you saw,
was no illusion.
What you think,
was just fiction.
Why can't you see,
something's wrong.
Why aren't we doing
Anything to save it?" he sang, gloomy chords echoing.
Tears were threatening to spill - I could feel it.
It was as if he was talking about... Us.
& the trees. Don't forget the trees.
But still. He was looking at me when he sang & we gazed at each other because his grip on me was iron-strong.
I looked down all of a sudden & developed a sudden interest to my nails.
"Thank you." his soft yet deep voice rumbled.
The girls (audibly) sighed & the guys (audibly) yawned.
I was probably the only student quiet, not knowing whether to sigh, yawn or - my option - cry.***
We all cheered - well, the girls cheered. His rowdy friends cheered along too but being all macho reserved about it.
He sat at the far end, away from me.
Even though we were at the opposite ends, I could feel his gaze burning intensely to my head.
"Iz! Iz!" I heard him yell, ignoring the prefects' "Don't yell in the hallways please!" & "Don't run please!"
Biggest bet was that he was chasing me.
Whatever. Doesn't he have that purring machine of his? Huh? Why did he want me when he's got that Ms Darren Academy?
What is he, some weirdo school playboy who was messing with me? Was that it?
I pushed my way through the bustling crowd, trying my best to walk as fast as I can before the stupid tears blur my vision.
"Iz..." I said, holding a crunched-up manuscript book in my hand.
I can see her messy-haired head a mile away, walking with the crowd.
The dismissal bell rang & I grabbed my bag & rushed out of the classroom & headed straight to the linkbridge.
"Iz, wait!" I heard a voice - I turned around with my heart full of hope. The minute I saw my ex, my heart just deflated.
"What was that about? I mean, you don't usually act like that - making a scene." Mark asked, tagging along behind me.
"It's nothing." I grunted.
"It is something." he said & put a shoulder on my hand.
"Look. I may be your ex. But that doesn't mean I'm not your friend." he said, his hand still on my shoulder.
"It's nothing." I said again.
"I'm the guy here. & guys have an international code. The look on his face when you ran outta there? That was the look kids have when their dogs die."
I kept silent, not knowing what to say.
In a strange & metaphorical way, he made sense.
"Don't kill his dog." he said & walked away.
My mom was late.
It was a good thing too. I was still looking for her.
Some time after, I caught a sight of that hair - the cork-spiral rustic hair. The girl sporting the hair was putting her head in between of her knees & her back was rising up & down, indicating heavy breathing.
Maybe I'm not late enough, just in time.
"Iz? Iz?" I heard a deep voice rumble.
I refused to let myself be all stupid & gooey just hearing that voice - that voice who was singing a song about trees.
I looked up & thanked that I don't like wearing eyeliner - or else not only having tears streaked across my cheeks, I'll also have the added bonus of black mascara flowing.
"Iz... Haven't seen you in awhile." Isaac said, ignoring the tears.
Which was good. I kinda hated people who treated me like an alien when I cry - only because of the rarity of the prospect that I'd cry.
Me. The tough girl who comes late & didn't give a damn to prefects' fuss on my hair.
"Yea well... I've been busy." I shrugged.
Awkward silence filled the air. I looked behind to glimpse that we were all alone - well, okay, not really alone. The security guards & a bunch of teachers were still loitering at the school gates.
But other than that, we were the only ones there.
"You know... About Jenny... Remember that girl who was... You know?" he asked, peering closely.
Okay, here it comes. Here comes the, "Yea, well. She's my girlfriend. So I'm sorry, we're just friends."
I was expecting it - in fact, I already thought of the perfect shrug for the statement & master the tone when I'd say, "Cool."
But he completely threw me off when he said, "Yea. We're not... Together."
I gaped at him - I couldn't help it.
Where was the "Sorry, my girlfriend told me to tell you 'Back off'"?
Or even something closer, like, "You're just not anywhere near my age"?
Was it my imagination or was he edging closer to me as he said sheepishly, "We've known each other since Year 1. &, you know... She gets intimidated. It's not often to see a girl talking to me."?
"I don't see how that can be true." she said huskily to me.
I looked up from my muffed shoes & I was staring at her lips. I just stared & stared - her lips were nice-looking. Soft, moist, red.
When she smiled, her lips looked even softer, moister, redder.
"I just wanna say..." After a long time of staring at her lips, I finally managed to continue my sentence. "... That I'm sorry."
"Because... It's my fault you got hurt &-"
"It wasn't your fault. It was..."
"Jenny's." I smiled.
"Jenny's." she smiled back.
We sat there, smiling to each other until she said, "I like your song."
& that was when I kissed her.
I shall never forget my first kiss with him - his face was hovering above mine, his lips a breath away from mine.
Finally - FINALLY - our lips clashed.
It was a different kiss. But the nice kind of different.
It was tender, sweet. & it felt like he was singing that song of his when we were kissing.
Not only was he a talented guy - what with the guitar & all - he was the perfect boyfriend.
The new environment club - or called the Tree Hugging Club amongst the students - was awesome!
We planted over two thousand trees at the Darren All-Girls' Academy school. It was spine-breaking but looking at the tree stumps just standing in the soil made me proud to know that we all planted it.
Finally, after two thousand seedlings being planted into the soil, I wiped my forehead with the back of my gardening gloves.
Suddenly, someone said behind me, "Hey, Zack."
I knew that voice - it was my girlfriend (that's right, my girlfriend), Iz, or Isabelle. I turned around & got the shock of my life when cold water got squirted into my face.
I chased her around & around. Finally, I caught up with her & tackled her to the ground. We lay there, giggling like maniacs.
She propped herself up & gave a kiss to me.
I love this.
Monday, 23 April 2007
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